Why the Radio Program?

There are many people in christian churches who have a hard time getting into a book and reading the life story of others for many reasons. Some simply do not have the time and others do not enjoy reading at all. As our technology grows so does the opportunity to use it for the work of the Lord. Those that find it difficult to read find it much easier to listen to a book or a story. After listening to several podcasts about several different subjects, the idea came to us to help those who enjoy listening to a good story and also to be an encouragement to them. So we got to work!

The ministry of the century!

old radio

Throughout the ages many of our Baptist forefathers have been persecuted for their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible says that if we live for God we will be persecuted for him. It does not say when, how, or where, but be sure it will come. Many of the Christians that have stood up for their beliefs have even been put to death in some of the most horrifying ways and yet they still would not deny the Lord Jesus Christ.  Many of these stories have been recorded in books and passed down from generation to generation as Christians try to keep up the good work and yet so many of us have never picked up a single one. Many of these stories have been forgotten and left on a shelf covered in dust.  That is why we believe this ministry is so important. These stories can be listened to whenever you get the chance to pop in your headphones or plug it in to your car and even straight off the laptop or iPad. We are not doing this for money or fame or whatever, in fact, this ministry is not cheap to get into. But money does not matter to our Father who owns the cattle on a thousand hills. We are doing this ministry to glorify God and to be a help and a blessing to our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.  We have no idea when, how and where persecution will come to any christian today but when you do face it we hope that theses stories will be an encouragement to you to always be faithful to our Savior no matter the cost!